Monday, 26 August 2013

How to Crack and Edit Encrypted PDF file!!!

Do you have any PDF file which cannot be printed, copied, or edited? Your PDF file has password security and other restrictions added. The following Websites Are Tested By clickermotics

Try to crack a pdf in windows using the options below.

1. is a free website that allows you to view restricted Pdf files.Use this site to remove passwords and restrictions (such as printing, copying text, etc.) from PDFs.

Note: This only works for PDF FILE that you open and read without any Third party plugins. PDF file that require a password to be viewed cannot be unlocked by this service. This is because this is not cracking. Viewable PDFs with restrictions are not really protected, no more than a door with a broken lock, as opposed to password-protec ted PDFs.

2. PDFCrack

PDFCrack! is a free online PDF cracker. No installation, no registration, it’s free and easy to use.

3.Crack My

CrackMyPDF is a free online PDF unlocker. Unlock PDF file and remove restriction for editing, copying, printing and extracting with just few clicks.

4.PDF Unlock Online Utility



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