Thursday, 29 August 2013

Hello World!!!

Hello World!!!Why don’t you like,comment,share our posts. When we post the new stuff we only get 150-200 likes and when we post old posts which you know already we get 400-500 likes on that.Should we Stop Posting New stuff ? if I may ask and start posting all the old posts.Start Liking, Sharing Our Posts. we spend our all time for you all but we didn’t get the expected response from your side.Start Liking and Sharing our all posts Hello World!!!...

Wednesday, 28 August 2013

How to freeze computer(s) in seconds

Today we are going to show you a few lines of batch scripting which can freeze or crash your PC in just a matter of seconds. But before going on to the we will explain how the program works.First of all when you open the batch file it will go into an infinite loop. Inside the loop the batch file will do two things. First it will open three cmd windows which will remain but will take up RAM space. Second the batch file will open itself three times...

Monday, 26 August 2013

How to Crack and Edit Encrypted PDF file!!!

Do you have any PDF file which cannot be printed, copied, or edited? Your PDF file has password security and other restrictions added. The following Websites Are Tested By clickermoticsTry to crack a pdf in windows using the options below.1. Freemypdf.com is a free website that allows you to view restricted Pdf files.Use this site to remove passwords and restrictions (such as printing, copying text, etc.) from PDFs.Note:...

Sunday, 25 August 2013

How to use on-screen keyboard for secured typing.

If u want to log in to your online bank account or some thing else confidential and to not get hacked by key loggers-Press start button goto Run-Type osk-Press Enter How to use on-screen keyboard for secured typing. createSummaryAndThumb("summary5708499682997998659...

Wednesday, 21 August 2013

How Touchscreen Works

A touchscreen is an electronic visual display that the user can control through simple or multi-touch gestures by touching the screen with one or more fingers. Some touchscreens can also detect objects such as a stylus or ordinary or specially coated gloves.Touchscreens are common in devices such as game consoles, all-in-one computers, tablet computers, and smartphones. They also play a prominent role in the design of digital appliances such as personal...

Friday, 9 August 2013

How to get FREE Recharge Cards...(REAL)

Besides FREE SMS on our BLOG. FREE recharge cards would be posted in our chat room periodically…So enter the room now: @ How to get FREE Recharge Cards...(REAL) createSummaryAndThumb("summary100690683891196884...

Wednesday, 7 August 2013

How to access any PC without knowing the password.

As you know,getting inside someones pc to which we even have physical access isnt an easy task.Most of them will be password protected.So here’s a simple tool that will help you to get access.It is KON BOOT (google it).Rather than cracking a Windows password, KON-BOOT bypasses it and lets you into the computer without typing one in. Then, when you restart, everything is back to normal, that is, everything you didn’t change when you were inside BiggrinNo...

Enter the Chat Room

Send free SMS, Download Ebooks, Get latest Computer Safety tips , Anti Hacking Tips , Cyber Security Tips & Lots more!!!Click here to enter the chat room now Enter the Chat Room createSummaryAndThumb("summary1047007395220699098...

Tuesday, 6 August 2013


You just have to follow the given instructions to upgrade your card. After completing the procedure, you will be amazed to see that your 1GB card is storing data according to 2GBmemory. Before following the instructions, make sure that you have a 1GB memory card because the application works only on 1GB cards.Flow this instruction1. Insert the memory card toyour PC.2. Keep a back up of all the data from the memory card, becausefirst you have...

Saturday, 3 August 2013


Error 400 – Bad request.Error 401 -unauthorized request.Error 403 – forbidden.Error 404 – Not found.Error 500 -Internal error.Error 501 – Not ImplementedError 502 – Bad GatewayError 503 -Service unavailable.Error 504 – Gateway Time-OutError 505 – HTTP Version not supported/DNS Lookup Fail/ unknw hostError 500-599 – Server Errors. INTERNET ERROR CODES createSummaryAndThumb("summary913249206283426274...

Friday, 2 August 2013

How to configure Router(s)

This post explains how to set up a router for home computer networks. The exact names of configuration settings on a network router vary depending on the model and whether it is wired or wireless. However, this general procedure will guide you through the process for the common kinds of home network equipment.Choose a convenient location to begin installing your router such as an open floor space or table. This does not need to be the permanent location...


1. TEXT FILES FORMATS:-.txt Plain Text File.doc Microsoft Word Document.docx Microsoft Word Open XML Document.msg Outlook Mail Message.wps Microsoft Word Processor Document.tex LaTex Source Document.rtf Rich Text File.log Log File.pages Pages Document.odt Open Document Text Document.wpd Word Perfect Document2. AUDIO FILES FORMAT:-.wma Windows Media Audio File.wav WAVE Audio File.mid MIDI File.mp3 MP3 Audio File.mpa MPEG-2 Audio File.m4a MPEG-4 Audio...